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Healing & Guidance
Healing Information

Reiki Attunements ~ Distant or In-Person?

23 Mar 2010 18:00:00 | Author: Caryl | Full article...


What is the "best" way of learning and receiving a Reiki attunement?  The number of times I have heard this question has made me put pen to paper.... well.... fingers to keyboard.... to give an answer. I have personally had the opportunity of learning Reiki in a small group/class situation, and via distance.  Both worked extremely well for me because I felt a connection with each of my teachers.  I also teach in both these methods, depending on what works best



Embrace and Be Patient With Your Pain

29 Jan 2010 18:00:00 | Author: Caryl | Full article...


  Lately, I have been prone to more aches, pains and colds that have felt quite severe at times.  I’ve even had small accidents and injuries.  The only way to deal with them has been to stop everything and pamper myself with a hot bath, sleep, or just a longer time to lie in bed in the morning.  I generally try to think of these occurrences as signs that I had been overdoing it and that my mind, body and spirit needed regenerating. While asking the angels for



Gemstones to Help Focus with School Work & Studies

27 Jan 2010 17:00:00 | Author: Caryl | Full article...


Someone wrote to me asking, “What stones can I use to help focus in my school work and studies?” As I know there are often many people trying to cope with the pressures of course work, studying and exams, I thought that the answer to this may help more than just the person who asked, so here are a few gemstone suggestions for any of you who need a little more help in this area. Carrying a gemstone charm, similar to this one that I made for my daughter, can help.  You can



Gemstones to Boost Immunity Whilst Fighting Breast Cancer

25 Jan 2010 15:00:00 | Author: Caryl | Full article...


I’ve been asked recently about suggestions for gemstones that would be most healing for breast cancer.   Rose Quartz My first thought jumped immediately to Rose Quartz. This gemstone has an association with self-love and deep inner healing which helps to bring comfort and strength.  However, along with Rose Quartz, it would also be beneficial to look for gemstones that protect your health and immune system, especially if going through




10 Jan 2010 16:00:00 | Author: Caryl | Full article...


When the opportunity of something new comes your way, what are your first thoughts?  Are you fearful and apprehensive, or full of excitement and ready to take on a new challenge?  Do you anticipate what might go wrong, or do you greet each situation with expectation of good? Your reactions can illustrate how you face life's challenges. On this day, let go of any fear that may be holding you back. Let go, let God and enjoy the adventure!   "A pessimist sees



Energy & Patience

29 Oct 2009 12:00:00 | Author: Caryl | Full article...


I have been noticeably moving forward on my own spiritual path over the last few months.  Lately, I have felt another strong build up of energy.  I see waves of energy all around and others have told me about the many beautiful colours that they see.  I don't see colours and haven't seen actual formed shapes as yet, but again my own guides are telling me, "Patience", so maybe that is coming.  What I do have is a really deep direct sensing of someone or



The Time Is Now

21 Oct 2009 16:00:00 | Author: Caryl | Full article...


Years ago my watch fell off my wrist at JFK Airport. I was horrified and dragged my poor 3 toddlers all over the airport looking for it.  Well, what was I going to do without my watch?  I needed it so I wouldn't be late to anything and possibly miss something important!  How could I possibly go on without knowing how long I had before I had to be somewhere else or how long before I arrived at my next destination etc... etc... etc... Wow!  I look back at those




8 Sep 2009 16:00:00 | Author: Caryl | Full article...


What is manifestation?  The thesaurus says manifestation is: a clear appearance; "a manifestation of great emotion" a manifest indication of the existence or presence or nature of some person or thing; "a manifestation of disease" an appearance in bodily form (as of a disembodied spirit) expression without words; "tears are an expression of grief"; "the pulse is a reflection of the heart's condition" a public display



Balancing Energy

26 Aug 2009 15:00:00 | Author: Caryl | Full article...


As an energy worker it is often expected that advice be given freely to anyone and everyone whenever the opportunity arises.  Let's face it, we intuitively know (or can work out) what to do or how to handle certain situations so why not just hand it out when asked.  Because we are who we are, we usually do this without a second thought.   However, it's important to remember, that as an energy worker - (as for anyone in any type of job) - we need a balance of



Spread the Sunshine

14 Aug 2009 15:00:00 | Author: Caryl | Full article...


We all have thoughts that come over us with such strong intention that they can often surprise us.  These are often just ideas of how we are feeling at the time, or sometimes they can be a few positive (or not so positive) words!  When these thoughts, or ideas, are written down or spoken, they become much more powerful than if they are kept to yourself. For example, yesterday was as normal a day as any.  I did some work & a few other things, then felt a surge of



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