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Healing & Guidance
Healing Information

Having Belief

28 Oct 2019 15:00:00 | Author: Caryl | Full article...


Are you disappointed when things don't work out even when you've been thinking that they probably wouldn't work out in the first place?  Why be disappointed when the outcome is what you believed it to be?  Surely you should be pleased that your belief turned out to be correct! Try turning that around.  Have the belief that what you want will work out just the way you want it to.  Feel just how pleased you will be when you get the outcome you believe in this



Just For Today

10 Jul 2019 11:00:00 | Author: Caryl | Full article...


Since I began my Reiki journey, I have realised the importance of "living for today" much more than I ever did before.  Too many of us get caught up with little worries that are part of our daily lives, always something to do or think about or plan etc. etc.......  We can got so bogged down that we forget about what is going on around us at the time - the actual day to day living that we should be making the most of.  Let's face it - once today is gone, we can



Actions Speak Louder Than Words

27 Sep 2014 09:00:00 | Author: Caryl | Full article...


The last couple of weeks I've been feeling poorly.  My throat has been red, raw and feels like it's being tickled with a feather, which has been causing coughing fits and lack of sleep.  During this time though it got me thinking about how much we rely on our voices.  Let's face it, it's the way most of us communicate and get our feelings and ideas across to others.  But what if we couldn't talk? …… What if we actually had to rely on



On Being Spiritual

5 Aug 2014 12:00:00 | Author: Caryl | Full article...


  People often ask me to teach them how to be more spiritual.  I don't believe this is something that can be taught, it is more something that happens when you live your life as a sharing, caring and loving being to everyone and everything around you.  It happens when you are honouring yourself, others and the earth, and by showing no judgements or prejudices.  It happens with every breath and in every step we take - in everything we do! Being a spiritual being



Yin Yang Symbol

13 May 2014 18:00:00 | Author: Caryl | Full article...


  The Yin and Yang symbol represents a balanced interplay of pairs of essential, but opposing forces, each containing some component of its opposite. This generates a cyclical, eternal ebb and flow of the activities and qualities of each member of the pair.   Example of Yin and Yang pairings: push / pull hard / soft light / dark in / out up / down salty / sweet control / chaos loud / quiet white / black heavy / light give /



Feelings of Ascension

18 May 2010 14:00:00 | Author: Caryl | Full article...


Tiredness ♥ Irritability ♥ Depression ♥ Tears ♥ Wanting to run away from everything ♥ Wishing to be alone ♥ Wanting to give up ♥ Wanting to go home ~ yet not knowing where home really is....... These are just some of the feelings that, I am not ashamed to admit, I am experiencing as I write this blog. I could sit in my corner and be miserable and alone for the next few days, or I can put these feelings to paper ~ or, in this case, my



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