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Actions Speak Louder Than Words
27 Sep 2014 09:00:00 | Author: Caryl
The last couple of weeks I've been feeling poorly. My throat has been red, raw and feels like it's being tickled with a feather, which has been causing coughing fits and lack of sleep. During this time though it got me thinking about how much we rely on our voices. Let's face it, it's the way most of us communicate and get our feelings and ideas across to others. But what if we couldn't talk? ……
What if we actually had to rely on actions rather than words? How much would that change things in your life and the lives of others?
How often have you actually acted on something instead of just talked about it? I know many of us have good intentions but do we act on those intentions? Too often we complain about things that are happening in the world around us, we talk loudly about them, with strong opinions on how things should be. However, talk doesn't actually get you anywhere near changing those things - it is action that's needed.
Same thing goes for when you talk about being a certain type of person. Do you show that you are that type of person by your actions?
Next time you find yourself talking about something you don't like, see if there is some action you can take to change things. If there isn't, then find something else you can act on instead.
Love & blessings,
Caryl ♥
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