As an energy worker it is often expected that advice be given freely to anyone and everyone whenever the opportunity arises. Let's face it, we intuitively know (or can work out) what to do or how to handle certain situations so why not just hand it out when asked. Because we are who we are, we usually do this without a second thought.
However, it's important to remember, that as an energy worker - (as for anyone in any type of job) - we need a balance of energy ourselves to be able to keep offering the best of our skills to others. If we keep giving to all, without return, an imbalance takes place. This creates feelings of tiredness and subconcious thought patterns of being taken for granted which start to creep into everyday life.
Other people do their jobs with a return on the specific skills that they bring to those jobs. This return brings an energy balance into play which naturally evens out on both sides. They have "given" in their work and then "received" in payment for their work. This is a balanced exchange of energy.
Our work should also be treated this way. When we "give" by using our skills to help others, it is important to also "receive" in payment for the use of those skills. It is only when that exchange of energy stays balanced that we all get the full benefits and rewards that those skills can offer.
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