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Healing & Guidance
Healing Information

Angel Guidance Readings

10 May 2024 16:00:00 | Author: Caryl


I love doing angel guidance readings.  Angel guidance is simple guidance to help someone improve something about themselves, their life, or a situation.


Angel Guidance painting

It's very interesting doing angel guidance readings.  The cards I use, and the guidance that comes with them, are always for the highest good of the person - or situation - that the reading is for, and it is so lovely to be able to be a channel for that.

When you take the angel guidance on board it is wonderful to see how things can change for the better.  Whether it's something small that you haven't previously thought of, or whether it's more complex information, it is important to take time to listen and follow the guidance you are given.

Angel guidance is always what you NEED to know, rather than what you WANT to hear.  This is important to remember.  If you're asking for guidance you will be given information about what you NEED to do.  What you WANT may not be what you NEED to do for the situation in question.  This is not something that I can change and no amount of subsequent readings will be any different.

I do have regular clients who come back for new guidance readings from time to time.  It's always wonderful hearing about the positive changes that a previous reading has encouraged.  Sometimes, in a new reading, the same card (or cards) from a previous reading will reappear.  When this happens, it can mean that the original guidance may not have been followed fully, or for long enough, or it may be that the person had followed the guidance but slipped back into some of their old ways and needed a gentle reminder to get back on track.

The original guidance will keep repeating - if it is still needed - and - until is taken on board.

In fact this happened recently when not one, but two cards, jumped out at me for someone.  One of the cards was from the previous reading I had done for this person, while the other was from the reading before that!  This person was doing well, but needed a friendly little reminder to keep the original guidance going alongside the new guidance they were given.

If you are ready for some Angel Guidance, or want to know about your Animal Spirit and what they are helping you with, take a look at my Readings page.


Caryl ♥




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