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Healing & Guidance
Healing Information

Crystals For Your Home

6 Apr 2020 10:00:00 | Author: Caryl | Full article...


One of the questions I'm often asked is, "Can you suggest some stones/crystals we can place around the house?"   Our homes are our sanctuaries.  We want them to be a place where we can relax, feel safe, and be ourselves.  One way of enhancing those protective, nurturing and loving vibes is to place crystals around the home. Here are some suggestions:   Amethyst Amethyst relieves stress and strain, thereby encouraging a relaxing



Gemstones for Infectious Diseases

30 Mar 2020 17:00:00 | Author: Caryl | Full article...


With all that is going on in the world right now, it's no wonder I'm being asked for advice about gemstones to keep you safe from disease. Please understand one thing though, the most important thing you can do to keep yourself safe from any disease is to stay away from it.  Stay away from anyone who has it and stay away from anyone who is vulnerable just in case you are carrying it yourself. I know there are many people who are carers and keyworkers at this time.  These



Heart Jewellery

22 Mar 2020 16:00:00 | Author: Caryl | Full article...


I have been really drawn to hearts lately ...   ... in particularly, gemstone and crystal hearts ....  ... gemstone and crystal heart jewellery to be exact!   Maybe it's because I feel that more love needs to be shared in these troublesome times, or maybe it's because I feel the need for a little more self-love.  Either way, I've been busily creating and have added a Heart Jewellery range to the website.   Here are a few



Chakra Balancing

3 Mar 2020 11:00:00 | Author: Caryl | Full article...


Traditionally, there are seven major chakras associated with the physical body.  They are aligned with the spine and located in the base of the spine, the lower abdomen (sacral), the solar plexus, the heart, the throat, the centre of the forehead (third eye), and the crown of the head. When our chakras are blocked, or not in balance, the free flow of energy is impeded, leading to physical, emotional, mental or spiritual dis-ease.  When the chakras are unblocked and free-flowing,



A Lesson in Self-Acceptance

11 Feb 2020 11:00:00 | Author: Caryl | Full article...


I've been thinking about how much I accept about myself nowadays and remembered the time that I finally learnt that my height - or rather the lack of it - used to cause me quite a bit of anguish. A few years ago, I was given this lesson in self-acceptance.  I had thought I was fully there, but a high-heeled gold sandal was to show me more..... I had a family wedding to go to and for weeks beforehand, I had narrowed my outfit choices to two dresses.  I knew exactly which



The Gift of Time

31 Jan 2020 20:00:00 | Author: Caryl | Full article...


It was my birthday last week and and I was reminded of something that happened around my birthday a few years ago. My family had been asking what I wanted for a present.  While I do generally love a nicely thought out gift, I really couldn't think of anything I wanted that could be purchased.  What I really wanted was "Time" to go away on a couple of meditation-type retreats, or something similar.  I'm perfectly happy to pay for these things myself,



Profits For Australia

6 Jan 2020 13:00:00 | Author: Caryl | Full article...


You may know, my homeland is Australia.  You will probably know that, right now, it is burning. My heart is breaking and I need to do something to help, so ..... during this month, I am donating Charms Of Light profits to fire services and animal welfare organisations in Australia. Please join me in praying for Australia.  The beautiful artwork is by MelanippeArt.     If you also feel called to help out, here are some links to some of the associations



Happy New Year - 2020

1 Jan 2020 09:00:00 | Author: Caryl | Full article...


Towards the end of last year, I realised that social media was becoming an awful place to be.  I was seeing so many upsetting posts that I felt pulled into a bit of a downward spiral and started sharing things that angered and/or upset me too.  Sharing these things pulled me down even further and also had a negative impact on others. This year I have made a decision to only share and post about positive things.  It's so important, not just for ourselves, but for others



Make 2020 A Year of Forgiveness & Positivity

29 Dec 2019 15:00:00 | Author: Caryl | Full article...


I'm looking forward and starting afresh.  Who's with me? ??   Love & blessings, Caryl ♥    



Seasons Blessings

24 Dec 2019 19:00:00 | Author: Caryl | Full article...


As 2019 draws to a close I would like to thank you for your continued support throughout the year.  Yet again, it's been another year full of up and downs, with trials to test our patience to the limits.  Instead of focusing on all that's upset and angered us, or that's been difficult this year, let's look to the future with hope and love for change and better things to come. Please join with me in seeing the good in the world and to showing love and compassion



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