Onyx Heart Giveaway

 Buy any 4 Gemstone Hearts & receive a free Onyx heart!  - Only while stocks last!

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" for full details.


Healing & Guidance
Healing Information

Crystals for Fertility, Pregnancy & Childbirth

30 Jan 2021 17:00:00 | Author: Caryl | Full article...


I’ve had a lot of enquiries over the years about which crystals are helpful for fertility, pregnancy and childbirth.  In that time, I’ve created many special custom made Birthing Charms, Fertility Pendants, Fertility Bracelets, and Labour & Birth Bracelets  - like these .....              A couple of weeks ago I wrote about menopause crystals so I thought it was high time I should write about



Crystals for Menopause & Post-Menopause

18 Jan 2021 10:00:00 | Author: Caryl | Full article...


Menopause is the third of three important stages in a woman’s life.  The first stage is The Maiden, the second stage is The Mother, and the third stage is The Crone.  This third, very powerful stage of The Crone, is where we get to embrace our truth and inner wisdom, whilst celebrating a new phase of life.  Unfortunately though, for many women it can also be a time of physical, emotional and hormonal stress with symptoms that can sometimes last for years, including



Being Eco Friendly

12 Jan 2021 20:00:00 | Author: Caryl | Full article...


I've always tried to be as environmentally friendly as I can.  I recycle just about everything.  Every time I make something new with silver wire I save the leftover bits - even the tiny little pieces - to use at a later date as a single chain link, or to eventually send away to a company that melts the silver down for reuse. I hadn't really thought about where that melted down silver ended up, so I was actually blown away when a little while ago I discovered that



Being Strong

13 Nov 2020 18:00:00 | Author: Caryl | Full article...


What does "Being Strong" mean to you? I've always been thought of as being a strong person.  People tell me, "you're such a strong woman"!  I often hear, "I wish I was as strong as you." Sometimes I think that strength is mistakenly seen as knowing what you want and doing what you need to get it, or telling someone that the service you've received wasn't what it should have been.  These things aren't strength, they are



Birthstone Necklaces

27 Aug 2020 14:00:00 | Author: Caryl | Full article...


I've been very busy lately, creating a new range of jewellery!  I'm always creating something new .... usually this is when I'm drawn to the healing properties of a particular gemstone, and I end up making a few different styles of bracelets, earrings, necklaces and pendants with the same type of crystal. This time I wanted a product that would range across more than one gemstone type.  This led me to think of Birthstone Necklaces.  There are 12 different birth



Fathers Day Gifts & Sale

11 Jun 2020 12:00:00 | Author: Caryl | Full article...


Father's Day is 21st June - just over a week away!  If you haven't chosen your special Father's Day Gifts yet, I have some great ideas for you! Not only do I have some gift suggestions,  I am also giving 10% off on the Father's Day Gifts range from now and over this coming weekend - until midnight, Sunday 14th June!   Use FD10 in your basket before check out! ..... And if it isn't going to be Father's Day where you are, you



Every Mistake Is A Lesson

28 May 2020 11:00:00 | Author: Caryl | Full article...


If you are one of my newsletter subscribers you will see that I made a mistake last night.  I've been trying to set up some extra little admin type things to the running of my website and sent myself a test email to see if something worked, except instead of sending the email to myself, I made the mistake of sending it to everyone on my newsletter list! OOPS!!   Having realised this mistake, my first thought was - - - actually, I won't say what my first thought



10% Discount for NHS Staff

16 May 2020 19:00:00 | Author: Caryl | Full article...


I am very pleased to announce that I am now offering a 10% discount to NHS Staff.     If you are a NHS Staff member, you will now receive 10% off all healing products, healing gifts, and healing services from Charms Of Light.   See Offers & Promotions for details.   This is my way of saying, "Thank You", for all you do!   Blessings, Caryl ♥



Oracle Card Give Away

3 May 2020 16:00:00 | Author: Caryl | Full article...


Over the years, I've collected a LOT of different oracle card decks.  I have tried them all at one time or another.  Some I've used maybe once or twice, some more often.  I have come to realise however that there are many I haven't touched in a VERY long time. Since reorganising the shelves in my home office, I came to the decision that I would rather give the cards I haven't used to someone who would like them, rather than having them take up space on the




16 Apr 2020 11:00:00 | Author: Caryl | Full article...


I took this photo of my yoga mat this morning because I thought the footprints looked pretty cool, but on looking at it again I noticed something strange.     Can you see what I mean?   The footprints look raised, as if I turned the mat upside down.   I think this is a great reminder of perspective. We may look at something one way, but there is always another point of view.   Always remember to look at things from all angles - there are



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