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Healing & Guidance
Healing Information

Angel Guidance Readings

10 May 2024 16:00:00 | Author: Caryl | Full article...


I love doing angel guidance readings.  Angel guidance is simple guidance to help someone improve something about themselves, their life, or a situation.   It's very interesting doing angel guidance readings.  The cards I use, and the guidance that comes with them, are always for the highest good of the person - or situation - that the reading is for, and it is so lovely to be able to be a channel for that. When you take the angel guidance on board it is



Anniversary Gemstones

22 Feb 2023 16:00:00 | Author: Caryl | Full article...


What are Anniversary Gemstones? Anniversary gemstones are stones or crystals that relate to anniversaries.  People often give anniversary gemstones as gifts to celebrate special occasions. Anniversaries don't have to be limited to wedding anniversaries, they can also be attached to any occasion, such as weddings, birthdays, and any other event that is related to a specific date and time.   Which Gemstones are Related to Anniversary Dates?    There



Crystals Collection is Closing

30 Apr 2022 17:00:00 | Author: Caryl | Full article...


I’ve put a lot of time into making an important decision about the Charms Of Light® business.  It’s been a difficult thing to do, but I’ve always made a promise to myself to only keep doing what brings me joy, and that means there will be some changes.   Creating healing jewellery is a great love of mine and I am very passionate about it, so obviously I will continue this.  I will also continue teaching Reiki, doing guidance readings, and gemstone



Lapis Lazuli Ethics

14 Sep 2021 18:00:00 | Author: Caryl | Full article...


Quality Gemstones I have always been very fussy about the quality of the gemstones and crystals I use in the jewellery I design for Charms Of Light®, and in the crystal carvings I sell.   When I purchase my gemstone beads, I get them in bulk so that I have enough to play and design with over a long period of time.  This means that stocks of some of my gemstone beads have lasted for years!   I get my gemstone carvings in bulk as well, to make sure there



Negative Reaction To Crystals

4 Jun 2021 10:00:00 | Author: Caryl | Full article...


I received the following email from a customer recently:…     “Have you ever met anyone who has a negative, immediate physical reaction to seeing Amber? I find I cannot look at it, it hurts my head and makes me feel sick. I remember this happening even as a child. Curious to know if you’ve ever heard that, or know what it would mean?” Amber is a powerful healer and cleanser, although it is actually a resin, not a stone.   Similar



Reading the Terms And Conditions

4 Mar 2021 13:00:00 | Author: Caryl | Full article...


Am I the only one who reads the terms and conditions on websites before purchasing something?  Maybe it’s because I have a website of my own, although I don’t think so.     When I purchase something online I always check the terms and conditions and the returns policy, just in case something doesn’t look like I expect, or doesn’t fit etc.  If I want to buy something that is going to be worn, I want to know that I can return it if it



Crystals for Fertility, Pregnancy & Childbirth

30 Jan 2021 17:00:00 | Author: Caryl | Full article...


I’ve had a lot of enquiries over the years about which crystals are helpful for fertility, pregnancy and childbirth.  In that time, I’ve created many special custom made Birthing Charms, Fertility Pendants, Fertility Bracelets, and Labour & Birth Bracelets  - like these .....              A couple of weeks ago I wrote about menopause crystals so I thought it was high time I should write about



Crystals for Menopause & Post-Menopause

18 Jan 2021 10:00:00 | Author: Caryl | Full article...


Menopause is the third of three important stages in a woman’s life.  The first stage is The Maiden, the second stage is The Mother, and the third stage is The Crone.  This third, very powerful stage of The Crone, is where we get to embrace our truth and inner wisdom, whilst celebrating a new phase of life.  Unfortunately though, for many women it can also be a time of physical, emotional and hormonal stress with symptoms that can sometimes last for years, including



Being Eco Friendly

12 Jan 2021 20:00:00 | Author: Caryl | Full article...


I've always tried to be as environmentally friendly as I can.  I recycle just about everything.  Every time I make something new with silver wire I save the leftover bits - even the tiny little pieces - to use at a later date as a single chain link, or to eventually send away to a company that melts the silver down for reuse. I hadn't really thought about where that melted down silver ended up, so I was actually blown away when a little while ago I discovered that



Being Strong

13 Nov 2020 18:00:00 | Author: Caryl | Full article...


What does "Being Strong" mean to you? I've always been thought of as being a strong person.  People tell me, "you're such a strong woman"!  I often hear, "I wish I was as strong as you." Sometimes I think that strength is mistakenly seen as knowing what you want and doing what you need to get it, or telling someone that the service you've received wasn't what it should have been.  These things aren't strength, they are



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