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Seraphinite Healing Jewellery and Crystals


All Seraphinite Healing Jewellery is created with love and healing intentions.  Seraphinite crystals and jewellery are charged with Reiki energy to enhance the natural Seraphinite healing properties and energies.



Seraphinite Crystals and their Healing Properties


What is Seraphinite?

Seraphinite is a dense fine-grained variety of Clinochlore.  Seraphinite was named after Seraphim, the highest order of angels, due to feather-like appearance of the chatoyant fibers in the stone.  Seraphinite is also known as Serafina.

Seraphinite Associations

Chakras - All Chakras, especially the Heart Chakra
Zodiac - Sagittarius
Origin - Russia
Numerical Vibration - Number 5
Typical colours - blackish green, bluish green, yellowish green, or olive green: containing feathery inclusions of iridescent silver in intricate patterns


Healing with Seraphinite

♥ Spiritual enlightenment ♥ Self healing ♥ Spirit communication

Seraphinite is a stone of spiritual enlightenment.  It is said to be among the most important stones discovered for connecting and communicating with higher energies.  It facilitates conscious awareness on many higher planes.  It is excellent for accessing self-healing.  Seraphinite promotes living from the heart.  It cleanses the aura, strengthens, activates and balances all chakras.  Causes old patterns of disease or imbalance to fall away, thus creating space for new patterns of well-being to form.

Seraphinite is healing for nerves and brain cells.  It activates the spinal cord and its links to the etheric body (aura).  Seraphinite releases muscle tension up into the neck.  It overcomes chills.  Can help in promoting weight loss.


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