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Healing & Guidance
Healing Information

Labradorite Healing Properties


What is Labradorite?

Labradorite is a Feldspar mineral.  Labradorite in a white matrix is often called "Rainbow Moonstone".  There is also a particular variety of Labradorite from Finland which is called Spectrolite.

Labradorite Associations

Chakras - Throat Chakra, Third Eye Chakra, Crown Chakra
Zodiac - Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius
Planet - Uranus
Element - Water
Numerical Vibration - Number 6
Typical colours - Pale green, blue, colourless, grey-white: with iridescent blue or gold flashes



Healing with Labradorite

♥ Transformation ♥ Promotes psychic abilities ♥ Strengthens our will ♥ Stimulates imagination ♥ Calming

A stone of transformation, Labradorite is a useful companion through change, imparting strength and perseverance.  It balances and protects the aura, raises consciousness and grounds spiritual energies.  Excellent for strengthening intuition - promoting psychic abilities.  Powerful in revealing the truth behind illusions, Labradorite banishes fears and insecurities, and strengthens faith in the self and trust in the universe.  It stimulates the imagination and calms an overactive mind, developing enthusiasm and new ideas.

Labradorite treats disorders of the eyes and brain, stimulates mental acuity, and relieves anxiety and stress.  It regulates metabolism, balances hormones and relieves menstrual tension.  Labradorite treats colds, gout, and rheumatism, lowers blood pressure, and aids in digestion.

Labradorite Healing Bracelet With Silver Toggle Clasp


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Many thanks and blessings,

Caryl ♥


Descriptions of the healing properties of gemstones are from the following sources:


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